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Lori Melnitsky
Mar 2, 20212 min read
Twenty things I want you to know about my life, not all stuttering related…
These are 20 things to know about me, not all stuttering related… My family means the world to me. They are the first, second and last...
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Lori Melnitsky
Oct 6, 20201 min read
Stuttering is fight or flight… We need to change our inner voice….
Put on those boxing gloves. Time to push that word out at any cost and fight to the end. I hear the words in my head. Just let me push...
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Lori Melnitsky
Jun 12, 20204 min read
Lori Melnitsky-Journey with Stuttering
Lori Melnitsky by Beverly Fortune on September 2, 2009 Lori Melnitsky has been stuttering since she was four years old. It was a long...
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Lori Melnitsky
Jan 28, 20201 min read
Will my child stop stuttering?
This is my number one question I get asked and the answer is not easy. We have all heard of famous people who say they used to stutter. I...
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Lori Melnitsky
Jan 9, 20201 min read
Why adults who stutter should consider speech therapy?
Many of us who stutter have gone for some type of speech therapy in our lives. Some positive and some not. Insurance is an issue for...
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Lori Melnitsky
Nov 25, 20191 min read
Three reasons I stop hiding the fact that I stutter..
The truth is I used to hide stuttering as if I was hiding a crime. I could be stuttering and if someone asked me what was going on I...
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Lori Melnitsky
Sep 13, 20192 min read
Ideas to practice speech and conquer speaking fears….
Icebreaker Questions List Here is a list of icebreaker questions to use in social situations: This came from Indeed. Great ideas…. “What...
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Lori Melnitsky
Sep 9, 20192 min read
Three tips to overcome public speaking fears..
Public Speaking and Fear: Public speaking is one of the most feared situations in the world. It is often ranked feared more than death....
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